Friday, July 31, 2009

Accomplishments - July 2009

Crossed off from my Google To Do List. If 2009 is still hoping to crack my top ten favorite years, it's got a lot of ground to make up in the next five months.

July 2009

  2. Arbitron
  3. Insomnia remedy for J
  4. I Love Movies
  5. Spoon in July
  6. crazy pdf
  7. Shaun Tan - Simply Read Books
  8. Drive Car
  9. Blizzcon Tix
  10. Astro City
  11. Leonard Maltin game
  12. Haircut
  13. jayz + radiohead
  14. Happy Factor
  15. Dead Weather and Son Volt
  16. SWOT - print plan
  17. Pocket MBA

1 comment:

Jen said...

I support any tasks related to Shaun Tan. The other night, Leo said, "Uncle TJ gave The Lost Thing to ME, why do you always want to take it to your room?"