Good riddance 2011. You felt longer than a dog year at times. Here are 50 little jokes that I wrote to briefly distract my mind from the universe’s inherent lack of meaning. I was at my funniest during the first half of the year, so read my January through May posts to see my best work.
- A black cat followed me for several blocks this morning. Bleak symbolism, 30 hours into the year. #PermissionToTreat2011AsHostile? #Granted
- #BachelorGlory: I don't think of my house as a bachelor pad, but I know it contains a lot more peanut debris than the homes of most women.
- #BachelorGlory: Age 40 & living in Texas, I should be wearing a fishnet t-shirt and slapping Debra Winger around a trailer behind Gilley's.
- Since everyone else posted photos of their dogs in the snow, here's Eli. #ATXSnow
- If you don't tell your children about Paul Lynde, who will?
- My constantly running inner monologue would be easier to ignore if not for its genteel Mississippi drawl.
- A lot of you don't know that I also have an MFA in Physical Comedy. Like most tall men, I majored in Cleeseian Walk and Dance.
- “NO, I WILL NOT LOWER MY VOICE.” - Always fun to overhear in public when directed at not-me.
- Always in the back of my mind: "Yeah, but this manic phase won't last forever." Immediately followed by: "YES IT WILL!" #YayMania #Brains
- I will never miss another opportunity to refer to money as "cabbage". If only I'd started earlier...#TimeValueOfCabbage
- According to my search history in the Wikipedia app, I've looked up "Larry Fine" four different times. #BetterThanDrunkTexting
- I don't have a lazy eye, but one just isn't an enthusiastic go-getter.
- “You're all winners. (Except for most of you.)” #Motivating4YearOldsForSports
- Four-year-olds are the Jehovah's Witnesses of knock-knock jokes.
- When friends have interventions for me, I pretend I'm from the future, sent back to stop them & save the world. That always shuts them up.
- Table of tense girls, all silently using their phones, none believing the others' charades of weighing better options for the evening.
- Bicycling couples: "Hey, let's joylessly devote ourselves to a hobby with unflattering gear and come to hate each other over it."
- Satiated Satiated Hippos #GamesForDullChildren
- Yo mama so fat, she has to use the hashtag #blorp in all her Tweets.
- Nothing in the universe is more passive aggressive than the "we need more cashiers" PA announcement at an independent bookstore.
- 1) File a joint tax return. 2) Visit Canada. 3) Win some tickets by being the tenth caller. #SadBucketList
- Your "9-11 Was An Inside Job" bumper sticker tells me your personal life is a bewildering mess.
- Woke up with the certainty that I am a goddamn treasure. #MorningWoodOfThePsyche
- Sometimes, I worry my career in parkour is over before it really began.
- Just overheard the apocryphal "His dad invented the ketchup packet" explanation of wealth. #PacketMagnates
- Why yes, earnest 20-something. I would love to see your laminated sheet & be made to feel guilty as cool air escapes my open front door.
- Rinsed a cracker in the sink and ate it after dropping it in a soapy puddle on the counter. And just like that, a new low.
- Unfortunately for The Lullaby League, they opened for a crowd that was clearly there to see The Lollipop Guild.
- #NativeKentuckianFunFact: We all smell like a delightful, subtle blend of boubon, bacon, cigar, mowed grass and urine. #KeenelandCologne
- Big-box stores are the Debra Winger of Craigslist Missed Connection locations.
- Template of my dreams (pick 3 or more): tornado + dog I have known + grandparent + place I've lived + mundane task made impossible
- This has been a summer of Austin, TX saying, "You knew this about me when you married me."
- Watched "Tree of Life" matinee with 10 old ladies. Bought a corn-dog with a coupon. Modeled for cover of Modern Bachelor.
- Incredulous 'bout Vegetable Oil Spreads #AlternativeNamesForICantBelieveItsNotButter
- Still waiting for life to toss Mean Joe Greene's jersey to me.
- If toes could detach from the foot, they'd already have suffocated themselves in an abandoned refrigerator. #ToesAreStupid
- Right side, roast-beef-having-toe scored 1150 on the SAT. I mean, come on. #ToesAreStupid
- I'm a total Willona. #PeopleThatSelfIdentifyAsGoodTimesCharacters
- I wouldn't say I have a lot of gray hair, but probably enough for you to be able to work out your daddy issues.
- Please don't make me have to be the one that starts the Facebook fan page for Scarlett Johansson's naked butt photo.
- Had that dream again where me and a cheerleader buy pot cornbread from a guy with a bunch of old-timey fire engines. ACL, amiright?
- If I was a father, I feel like I'd be really good at teaching my kids not to stare at goiters.
- Friends didn't set their kitchen clock back, then used it to run a bedtime scam on their 3 kids. Passing that info along to Kidz Wikileaks.
- Bishop in the Fundamentalist Church of Steve Martin #PostApocalypticJobsICanDo
- Pity the hipster who has to enunciate: "I'm in a The National cover band."
- Quinoa and lentils for dinner, alone, at home. This must be what it feels like to own a Prius.
- Teaching 8 year old how to play 20 questions. Her 1st question: "Is it lovely?"
- Ears should not require this much shaving.
- Making my bed every morning is like Cortés burning his ships behind him.
- Buy more lottery tickets. #SadResolutions
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